inner Authenticity

Create space

Come home to yourself

We’ve all just trying to do the things. Get through. Figure it out. Push through. Dig deeper. Get through this thing called life.

But sometimes we know that the strategies we use aren’t the best. Yet we can’t seem to stop using them.

We think the issue is we lack discipline or confidence.

We simply need to knuckle down.

There is an alternative.

We can create the space to know all of us. Even the parts that seem to do more damage than good.

Because when we Own our Story - the parts of it we like, and the parts of it that make us uncomfortable - our lives change for the better.

Ways to reclaim your authenticity

  • IFS Sessions

    With either 60-min or 90-min sessions we can take the time you deserve to create more space for your calm, confident, compassionate self to emerge.

  • Coaching

    Coaching to get you unstuck from the patterns which keep you tired, frustrated, and self-sabotaging. Get off the railway tracks of your past and onto the path of your most fulfilled self.

    Start with a discovery call today.

  • Befriend Your Parts

    This 30 day, on-line course, allows you delve into daily activities designed to unveil and embrace the unique facets of your inner landscape, paving the way for profound self-discovery and lasting inner peace.

  • 7 Day Holistic Health Kick Start

    Join myself and holistic nutritionist Melanie Bidgood from MELNourisehd on a 7 day reset without beating yourself up or pushing yourself to exhaustion.

  • DiSC Asessments

    Gain greater understanding and self-acceptance of who you are with DISC assessments. Validated assessment provides insights into your preferred and adjusted behavior and communication styles, fostering personal growth and deeper connections in your journey towards self-awareness.

It’s more than just talking about it

It’s about you getting to know and honour all the parts of your story.

Each part has an important role to play.

It’s about holding all of your story together in one book. Nothing is left out. It’s all part of who you are.

Your story is you.